SECTION A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
Section A contains policies and regulations on the district’s legal role in providing public education.
SECTION B: School Board Governance and Operations
Section B contains policies and regulations on the school board – how it is elected, appointed, how it conducts meetings, etc.
SECTION C: General School Administration
Section C contains policies and regulations on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration.
SECTION D: Fiscal Management
Section D contains policies and regulations on school finances and funds management.
SECTION E: Support Services
Section E contains policies and regulations on non-instructional services and programs which include but are not limited to, transportation, food services, building and grounds management, and office services.
SECTION F: Facilities Development
Section F contains policies and regulations on facility planning, financing, construction and renovation.
SECTION G: Personnel
Section G contains policies and regulations relating directly to district personnel.
SECTION H: Negotiations
Section H contains policies and regulations on the process of negotiating with bargaining units authorized under state law and recognized by the school board.
SECTION I: Instruction
Section I contains policies and regulations on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, etc.
SECTION J: Students
Section J contains policies and regulations on students: admissions, attendance, responsibilities, conduct, discipline, etc.
SECTION K: School-Community Relations
Section K contains information on relations with the general public and community and public agencies.
SECTION L: Education Agency Relations
Section L contains policies and regulations on the districts relationship with other education agencies.
Section A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
AC | Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action |
ACAA | Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students |
ACAA-R | Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure |
ACAB | Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees |
ACAB-R | Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure |
ACAD | Hazing |
ACAF | Workplace Bullying |
AD | Educational Philosophy |
ADA | School District Goals and Objectives |
ADAA | School System Commitment to Standards |
ADC | Smoking on School District Premises |
ADF | Commitment to Learning Results |
Section B: School Board Governance & Operations
BBA | School Board Powers and Duties |
BBAA | Board Member Authority |
BBAB | Student Representation on the School Board |
BBAB-R | Student Representation on the School Board Regulations |
BCA | School Board Member Code of Ethics |
BCB | Board Member Conflict of Interest-Nepotism |
BDB | Board Officers |
BDE | Board Committees |
BE | School Board Meetings/Place of Board Meetings |
BEB | Board Member Use of Social Media |
BED | Remote Participation in School Board Meetings |
BEDB | Agenda Format |
BEDD | Parliamentary Procedure |
BEDF | Voting Method |
BEDG | Minutes |
BEDH | Public Participation at Board Meetings |
BHD | Board Member Compensation and Expenses |
BIA | New School Board Member Orientation |
Section C: General School Administration
Section D: Fiscal Management
DJ | Bidding/Purchasing Requirements |
DJ-R | Federal Procurement Manual |
DJH | Procurement Staff Code of Conduct |
DJE | Bidding Requirements |
DM | Cash in School Buildings |
DN | School Properties Disposal Policy |
DO | Trust Funds |
Section E: Support Services
EBAA | Reporting of Hazards |
EBCA | Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan |
EBCB | Fire Drills |
EBCC | Bomb Threats |
ECB | Pest Management in School Facilities and on School Grounds |
ECE | Unauthorized Vehicles |
EEA | Student Transportation Services |
EEAC | Student Transportation Services to Alternate Locations |
EEAEA | Bus Driver Examination and Training |
EEAEAA | Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers |
EEAEAA-A | Drug and Alcohol Testing for Passenger Van/Car Drivers |
EEAF | Special Use of School Buses |
EFE | Competitive Food Sales |
Section F: Facilities Development
FF | Naming School Buildings or Facilities |
Section G: Personnel
GBB | Staff Involvement and Decision Making |
GBEB | Staff Conduct with Students |
GBEC | Chemical Abuse and Dependency (Employees & Visitors) |
GBGE | Return To Work and Reasonable Accommodations |
GBGE-R | Return To Work and Reasonable Accommodations - Procedure |
GCCA | Professional Staff Leaves and Absences |
GCEC | Posting of Professional Staff Vacancies |
GCFD | Approval of Hiring Decisions |
GCGB | Arrangements for Professional Staff Substitutes |
GCGC | Job Sharing Opportunities |
GCI | Professional Staff Opportunities |
GCSA | Employee Computer and Internet Use Policy |
Section H: Negotiations
Section I: Instruction
IC | School Calendar |
ID | School Day |
IGE | Curriculum Guides, Course Outlines, and Course Offerings |
IHBA | Individualized Education Programs |
IHBAA IHBAA-R | Referral/Pre-Referral Policy |
IHBAC | Child Find |
IHBAL | Grievance Procedure for Persons with Disabilities |
IHBAM | Procedural Safeguards |
IHBAM-R | Procedural Safeguards |
IHBAN | "Do Not Resuscitate" Requests |
IHBB | Programs for Gifted Students |
IHBEA | English as a Second Language (ESL) Program |
IHBG | Home Schooling |
IHBGA | Home Schooling - Participation in School Programs |
IHBH | Alternative School Programs |
IHCA | Skowhegan Area High School Summer Program |
IHCDA | Post-Secondary Enrollment Options |
IHD | Adult and Community Education |
IIB | Class Size, K-6 |
IJJ/IJJ-E | Selection of Educational Resources |
IJNDB | Student Computer and Internet Use Policy |
IJNDB-A | ITV (Interactive Television) Philosophy |
IJOA | Field Trips and Excursions |
IJOC | School Volunteers |
IK | Academic Achievement |
IKB | Homework |
IKE | Promotion and Retention of Students |
IKEB | SAHS Honors Criteria |
IKF | Graduation Requirements |
IKFA | Early Graduation |
IL | Student Testing |
ILA | Testing of Students for Non-District Purposes |
ILAB | Final Examination Exemption Policy |
ILD | Educational Research: Student Submission to Surveys, Analyses or Evaluations |
IMB | Teaching About Controversial Issues |
IMG | Animals in School |
IMGA | Service Animals in School |
Section J: Students
JB | Equal Education Opportunities |
JE | Skowhegan Area High School Classroom Attendance Policy |
JFAA | Admission of Resident Students |
JFABB | Admission of Foreign Exchange Students |
JFC | Student Withdrawal from School |
JFCK | Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices |
JFCK-R | Student Use of Other Electronic Devices- School Rules |
JG | Assignment of Students to a Teacher and Classes, K-8 |
JI | Students Rights and Responsibilities |
JICE | Student Publications |
JICH | Chemical Abuse and Chemical Dependency (Students) |
JICIA | Weapons, Violence and School Safety |
JICK | Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention in Schools |
JICK-E1 | Bullying and Cyberbullying Report Form |
JICK-E1-1 | Bullying and Cyberbullying Report |
JICK-E2 | Bullying and Cyberbullying Responding Form |
JICK-E3 | Bullying and Cyberbullying Remediation Form |
JICK-E4 | Bullying Flow Chart |
JJA | Student Organizations |
JJAA | Athletic Clubs (7-12) |
JJE | Fund Raising |
JJF | Student Activities Funds Management |
JJI | SAHS Philosophy-Athletic Code & Contract |
JJIAA | Private School Student Access |
JJIB | Sponsorship and Evaluation of Athletic Programs |
JJIF | Management of Concussions & Other Head Injuries |
JK | Student Discipline |
JKAA | Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion |
JKAA-R | Procedures on Physical Restraint and Seclusion |
JKD | Student Suspension |
JKE | Expulsion |
JKF | Physical Restraint |
JL | District Wellness |
JLC,JLCB,JLCD,JLCDA | Student Health Services and Requirements |
JLCC | Communicable/Infectious Diseases |
JLCDB | Administration of Naloxone in Schools |
JLF | Child Abuse and Neglect |
JLG | Education of Homeless Children and Youth |
JLG-R | Homeless Students |
JLIB | Student Dismissal Precautions |
JRA | Student Educational Records |
JRA-R | Student Educational Records Procedure |
Section K: School-Community Relations
KBBA | Custodial & Noncustodial Parent Rights and Responsibilities |
KBF | Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy-Board Level |
KBF-E1 | Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy-District Level |
KBF-E2 | Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy-School Level |
KCD | Public Gifts to the Schools |
KDB | Public's Right to Know |
KE | Public Concerns and Complaints |
KF | Community Use of School Facilities |
KH | Public Solicitations in the School |
KHB | Advertising in the Schools |
KI | Visitors to Schools |
KJ | Use of School Facilities to Support Fund Raising for Students |
KJA | Booster Organizations |